Modern Diversions: Five Social Media Profiles to Inspire Your Inner Oenophile
Posted: September 18, 2017
Whether you are an active user, or a modern-day nonconformist, it is hard to deny the ubiquitous force of social media in today’s digital world.
For better or for worse, we are frequent browsers of the favorite photo-sharing platform, Instagram. Apart from being able to share moments of the day-to-day happenings around the winery, we have found Instagram to be a wonderful way to connect with, and be inspired by, fellow oenophiles around the world.
While there are countless Instagram profiles suited for the wine-inclined, here are our favorite wine influencers to follow:
The Wine Guys are a two-man show based in San Francisco. When they’re not working for their full-time jobs at Google, The Wine Guys spend their time reviewing wines across the spectrum of wide-scale recognition, to up-and-coming cult status.
The Fermented Fruit, a.k.a. Ryan O’Hara, is a Washington D.C.-based wine writer and critic. From California to Italy, Ryan travels the world in search of exceptional, and well-valued wines. To learn more about Ryan and the wines he’s currently drinking, check out his blog here.
Netherlands native Goswijn Simmons shows off his truly international palate with his blog, The Story of my Wine. While his focus is mainly on European wines, Simmons reviews wines from all over the world, as captured on this interactive map here.
Seasoned and novice wine drinkers a like will appreciate Wine Folly. The name behind this fantastic profile is sommelier Madeline Puckette, whose knowledge of wine and eye for graphic design has created one of the most educational and interactive wine blogs/Instagram’s on the web.
Last but not least, we can’t get enough of the Instagram feed by Turnbull Wine Educator Deanna Basham. As she balances her job in the tasting room and her studies with the U.C. Davis Extension Winemaking Program, Deanna serves us daily inspiration with photos of her wine adventures here at the winery, and abroad.