Preserving a legacy: Our Commitment to Sustainability
Posted: July 5, 2017
Guided by a deep-rooted commitment to sustainability, we operate knowing that the decisions of today will affect how future generations carry our legacy. We have a responsibility, not only to our children, but to our land, employees, Valley, and devoted consumers, to lead with intention of environmental and social stewardship.
As a Napa Certified Green Winery, we look forward to continuing the growth of our brand—with the understanding that “growth” in our business will not always equate to monetary growth; from expanding our repertoire of environmentally conscious management practices, to providing meaningful opportunities to the people who make what we do possible, we strive to redefine the “long-term” and preserve what we always intended to be—an honest business dedicated to being stewards of the land we’re lucky to farm, and the greater community of Napa Valley.